Journal of Surgical Simulation 2017; 4: A: 10 - 10

Published: 19 January 2017


Oral presentation

Special Issue: Why measurement for improvement is different

Mike Davidge
Corresponding author: Mike Davidge, NHS Elect, Suite 2, Adam House, 7-10 Adam Street, London WC2N 6AA, UK. Email:


Using data to drive improvement is a specific approach that requires consideration and planning to do well.  The 7-step model to success helps to ensure we have robust and helpful data to drive improvements to care and tell our stories of success: (1) decide aim, (2) choose measures, (3) define measures, (4) collect data, (5) analyse and present, (6) review measures, (7) repeat steps (4)-(6). Two case studies are described to illustrate the importance of the way data are presented. The frequency of data plotting can affect the patterns that emerge, and plotting data more frequently is advisable when possible. The style and type of presentation chosen affects how easy it is for the results to be interpreted; for example, bar charts are not recommended for plotting data over time.  Charts should track performance over time, including performance before, during and after implementation of changes, with annotations to tell a story.


quality improvement; 7-step model; measurement; change; time series chart; frequency

Additional Information

This presentation was given at the 6th Annual Homerton Simulation Conference: Safety Engineering and Simulation in Healthcare, Homerton University Hospital, London, UK, on 1 December 2016.

Conflicts of interest: none declared.