Journal of Surgical Simulation 2023; 10: A: 6 - 6

Published: 16 November 2023


Oral presentation

Special Issue: The feasibility of a non-technical skills training package using an interactive bingo-style feedback technique

Matthew Pears, Chandra S Biyani, Karan Wadhwa, V. Hanchanale, Sunjay Jain, Stephen R. Payne, Stathis Konstantinidis, Mark Rochester and Ruth Doherty
Corresponding author: Matthew Pears, School of Health Sciences, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK. Email:


Introduction: Simulated clinical scenario videos are commonly used to help acquire non-technical skills (NTS) and facilitate reflection. The reflective component demands engagement from learners and is challenging to assess. To facilitate assessment, an innovative method for judging effective reflection is described. The aims were to create, trail, and receive feedback on novel NTS training videos that allow self-contained learning; and to facilitate developments in the understanding of the concept’s viability.

Method: High-quality 5k 360-degree simulated emergency urology recordings were used. Cognitive walkthrough by an expert identified important teamworking, communication, decision-making, situational awareness, and leadership events. The participants’ learnt knowledge was assessed using a “bingo”-style grid to measure responses to NTS scenarios. Expert feedback was provided in a separate ‘assessment’ section of the video, to ensure optimal acquisition of cognitive skills. A questionnaire containing 13 Likert-scale questions was developed. It consisted of relevant System Usability Scale questions, and specific questions were formed from surgical bootcamp staff and a cognitive psychology researcher. 

Results: Forty-five surgical trainees participated in 1 h sessions, during the 2021 Urology Bootcamp, and completed the questionnaire (Cronbach's alpha =0.8). The ratings were between 91.1% and 55% from participants, indicating moderate to strong acceptability. Qualitative feedback from two open responses pinpointed the changes required. The material had a positive effect on NTS skill acquisition and use as supplementary material was agreed.

Conclusions: The bingo style and feedback evokes effective proactive participation. The self-contained nature of the platform and video material could accelerate NTS acquisition, with low costs and resource requirements.


NTS; non-technical skills; training; bingo; interactive

Additional Information

This presentation was given at the SES 2022 online conference, January 2022.